Soroor Hediyeh-zadeh

I am a PhD student in Machine Learning and Computational Biology at Helmholtz Munich and the Technical University of Munich advised by Fabian Theis. My research interests are modeling the mechanisms of cell state transitions and cell state inference in different biological data modalities using Generative, Causal Representation Learning and Continual Learning models.

Before coming to Munich, I was a Graduate Student Researcher and Research Assistant in Bioinformatics at WEHI. I received a MPhil in Computational Biology from the University of Melbourne advised by Melissa Davis and Andrew Webb, where I developed statistical machine learning and deep learning models for Mass Spectrometry data. I was lucky to have the opportunity of working with Gordon Smyth during my Master's degree on incorporating transcript-level differential expression in edgeR.

My MPhil research was supported by a Australian Postgraduate Award. During PhD, I received a German Academic Exchange (DAAD) scholarship to conduct research abroad.

In addition to research, I am passionate about education and leardership. I was a co-founder of R-Ladies Melbourne, where I co-organised and delivered multiple R programming workshops. I am a co-founder of STEM-Tisch at Helmholtz Munich, where we run Inspiring Women Series talks, panel discussions and training workshops to promote diversity, specifically women's presence, in scientific positions. Outside of research, you'll find me playing or composing with my D Kurd Handpan, probably in nature.


Research and Publications

For a full list, have a look at my Google Scholar page.

Curriculum vitae